Vacancy: National Social and Environmental Standards Specialist UNDP-Kazakhstan

Description of the Assignment: National Social and Environmental Standards Specialist

Period of assignment: Approximately December 2024 — February 2025 (30 workdays)

Place of Work: Home-based

Contract type: Individual Contract


The objective of the GEF PPG is to develop the project concept into a full project: Integrated Management of Seascapes of the Kazakhstani part of the Caspian Sea and Land Resources of Adjacent Territories.

Through integrated approach, the project aims to: (i) improve the management effectiveness of 1,694,290 hectares and 662,630 hectares of existing terrestrial and marine protected areas respectively and 46,969 hectares and 597,371 hectares of proposed terrestrial and marine protected areas respectively; (ii) improve management of 604,000 hectares and 60,000 hectares of terrestrial and marine habitats (outside PAs) respectively to benefit biodiversity; (iii) sustainable land management in 6,000 hectares of pasture and degraded agricultural land and shallowing drawdown areas of the Caspian Sea; (iv) mitigate 2,037,543 metric tonnes of CO2eq over a 20-year period; and (iv) directly benefit around 8,500 people through improved resource use and livelihood opportunities, agricultural management practices, and small scale enterprises and climate mitigation measures and capacity building efforts.

Geographically, project activities will be implemented in 2 project areas in Mangistau and Atyrau Oblasts.The project includes the following components:

Component 1. Strategic policy and planning to promote ecological integrity of the Caspian Sea landscapes and seascapes.

Component 2. Sustainable management of land and water resources in the Caspian lowlands and western region of Kazakhstan.

Component 3. Financial incentives/instruments for sustainable natural resources management, alternative nature-friendly livelihood activities and engagement of private sector.

Component 4. Knowledge management, awareness raising and gender mainstreaming.

More information and application here:
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